One Death Is Too Many

Traffic accidents in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls metropolitan area are responsible for about five deaths every year. Hundreds of needless mutilations, disfiguring, injuries, and a significant amount of property damage happen during an average year. In addition, the Waterloo metropolitan area has more pedestrian-vehicle incidents than other areas of the state. Accidents cost the taxpayer money in form of fire and police services. Pedestrian deaths have increased 51 percent since reaching their low point in 2009 and account for 17 percent of crash fatalities. Two percent of people killed in motor vehicle crashes are bicyclists.

Surviving Is Life Changing.

One serious injury is also one too many. Fortunately, with the advances of modern medicine, many crash victims are surviving accidents. Those victims have to bear the burdens of injuries, resulting in new disabilities and handicaps. Being a survivor of a tragic accident is life changing. 

It’s Our Community. It’s Our Responsibility.

Traffic accidents and fatalities affect everyone in the community. It is the personal responsibility of every citizen in the Cedar Valley that gets behind the wheel to become accountable for the safety of themselves and others.

Upping The Standard.

Drive Safe Cedar Valley was the first localized, self-sustained traffic safety program to be implemented in the state of Iowa. Over the years, like other communities, we have come to acknowledge that business as usual is not enough — one death is too many — and that systemic changes are needed to make meaningful progress towards making our streets safe and eliminating crashes that cause deaths or severe injuries.

Partnership For A Safer Cedar Valley.

The City of Waterloo and residents of the Cedar Valley need your leadership, collaboration, and accountability as partners with Drive Safe Cedar Valley to proactively take steps to ensure our streets are safe for all users. Get involved as a task force member.

We Still Need Mastery of the Basics of Safety.

A change in the culture of driving is still a necessary strategy to ensure safety on the roads in the Cedar Valley. Tips and techniques teach everyone the basics of safety. Every citizen of the Cedar Valley – driver, passenger, cyclist, or pedestrian – can implement basic safety choices that could ultimately save their life or the lives of others.

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